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Master of Education: Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, 2019

Major: Adult and Continuing Education


Bachelor of Arts: College of Communication & Creative Arts, Rowan University, 1996

Major: Radio, TV & Film     


Associate of Science: School of Business and Social Sciences, Ocean County College, 1994

Major: Business Administration


Certificate: Avid Technology, Inc., 2013

Digital Non-linear Editing - Avid Certified User & Instructor


Certificate: Maine Media Workshops, 1998



Academic Positions

Fall 2021 – Present: Assistant Professor of Professional Practice, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

Fall 2020: Instructor of Professional Practice, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

Fall 2016 – Spring 2020: Teaching Instructor, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

Fall 2017: Coadjutant, Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers Filmmaking Center, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

Spring 2016: Lecturer, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

Fall 2015: Coadjutant, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

2014 - 2016: Part Time Lecturer, Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts, Center for Digital Filmmaking, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ


Teaching Awards

Outstanding Faculty Honor Award 2023, Graduate School Association – Rutgers University

Distinguished Achievement in Teaching 2023, Department of Journalism and Media Studies – Rutgers University

Distinguished Achievement in Teaching 2017, Department of Journalism and Media Studies – Rutgers University


Courses Taught

Graduate courses at Rutgers University, School of Communication & Information - MCM

  • Digital Media Production, spring 2019-2025, fall 2019-2024


Undergraduate courses at Rutgers University, School of Communication & Information - JMS

  • Media Field Production, fall 2016-2024, spring 2024-2025

  • Editing Multimedia, fall 2019-2024, spring 2021-2025

  • Digital Media Production, fall 2016-2023, spring 2016-2024

  • Specialty Camera Studio Workshop, fall 2016-2019, spring 2016-2020

  • Video Editing Workshop, fall 2016-2018, spring 2016-2020

  • Television Production, spring 2016-2019


Undergraduate courses at Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts

  • Video Editing MG Online, fall 2018-2023, spring 2018-2023,  

  • Digital Field Production, fall 2014, spring 2014-2015: Mason Gross, Center for Digital Filmmaking Certification

  • Video Editing, fall 2015, spring 2016: Mason Gross, Center for Digital Filmmaking


Undergraduate courses at Brookdale Community College

  • Digital Editing: After Effects, fall 2006

  • Website Design, fall 2006


Curriculum Development

Graduate Level at Rutgers University

  • Designed and taught Digital Media Production 17:194:507. Students study media creation and distribution through online and interactive experiences with a focus on corporate communication. This includes audio and video steaming in online contexts, but it also covers other types of new media that are hybrids of the two. Using various multimedia systems and formats, students explore the foundations of development, content creation and distribution across multiple platforms. Focusing on multi-platform digital media, students write, produce, and edit their own digital media content for online distribution.

Undergraduate Level at Rutgers University

  • Designed and taught Digital Media Production 04:567:212. Students use various multimedia systems and formats to explore the foundations of development, content creation and distribution across multiple platforms. Focusing on journalism multi-platform digital media, students write, produce, and edit their own content for online distribution.

  • Designed and taught Media Field Production 04:567:476. This course introduces students to the working principals of Electronic Field Production (EFP). Special attention is given to on-location creative and technical aspects of media production. Valuable EFP knowledge and skills are gained through production exercises, projects, and readings. Students learn the constraints and benefits of shooting on-location while producing, directing, and operating production equipment.


  • Designed and taught Television Production 04:567:476. Learning both the technical and aesthetic principles of television production, students work together as producers, directors, camera operators and editors to produce an unscripted television show.


  • Designed and taught Editing Multimedia 04:567:478. Using the industry standard programs, Premiere Pro and Avid Media Composer, students learn various workflows used for preparing and editing media using a project-based approach. From managing and importing media assets to exporting a final video for distribution, students gain a thorough understanding of the tools and techniques used in a professional non-linear editing environment.


  • Designed and taught Video Editing Workshop 04:567:484, a 1.5 credit workshop.  Students develop basic technical skills required for audio and video editing, as well as a theoretical framework that encourages them to explore the ways in which story and meaning can be developed and through editing.

  • Designed and taught Specialty Camera Studio Workshop 04:567:485, a 1.5 credit workshop.  Students learn how to operate studio cameras, switchers, audio boards, wireless mics, lighting grids and a host of other technical “behind-the- scenes" equipment essential in producing a professional television news program.

Other Teaching

  • 2015 - 2019: Program Director and Instructor, Digital Filmmaking Academy, Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts, Extension Division, New Brunswick, NJ

  • 2009 - 2014: Filmmaking Instructor, Arts and Education Center, Middlesex College, NJ

  • 2006: Adjunct, Communication Media, Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, NJ

  • 2003 - 2005: Digital Video Teacher, Communications High School, Monmouth County Vocational School District Career Academy, Wall, NJ

  • 2005 - 2015: Digital Video & Filmmaking Instructor, Industry Media Arts, Freehold, NJ



Service to the Office of the President – Rutgers University

Co-producer, director, & editor, Cultivating Citizenship to Support Democracy, Fall 2023&2024

Co-producer, audio engineer, and editor, Faces & Voices of Rutgers, 2021-2023


Service to Office of the Secretary of the University – Rutgers University

Co-producer & director, Looking Forward: Rutgers & COVID Fall 2021, 2020

Co-producer & editor, Rutgers University Virtual Commencement, 2020

Production associate and editor, New Student Convocation, 2020


Service to the Office of the Provost – Rutgers University

Producer and editor, New Faculty Orientation, 2020


Service to the School of Communication and Information – Rutgers University

Member, Journalism and Media Studies Curriculum Committee, 2020-present

Member, DCIM Executive Committee, 2017-present

Consultant, DCIM Student Capstone Project, 2017


Service to the Department of Journalism and Media Studies – Rutgers University

Journalism and Media Studies, Video Team Coordinator, 2024-presnet

Journalism and Media Studies Scholarship Committee, 2017-present

Prepare digital media content for Kairos and JMS Showcase, 2017-present

Liaison, Rutgers iTV studio, 2017-present

Consultant, Podcast Studio Development, 2017-present

Coordinator, Organizing field lessons with the assistance of Undergraduate Academic Affairs Enrichment Program, (summer programs) 2017-present

Coordinate with IT on specs and upgrades, 2016-present

Equipment budgeting, purchasing and maintenance, 2015-present
Master of Communication and Media, Executive Committee, 2021-2024

Journalism and Media Studies, Task Force on Promoting the Major, 2020-2024

Member, Space Committee, 2016

Consulting & Course Development, 2015


Service to the Office of Disability Services – Rutgers University
Technical Consultant, Office of Disability Services, 3rd Annual Neurodiversity Summit & Resource Fair, 2024


Service to Rutgers Police (Newark, New Brunswick, Camden)

Technical Consultant, RUPD Who We R!, 2024

Service to the Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice

Technical Consultant, Racial Justice Summit - Keynote Address by Roxane Gay & Community Changemakers. 2023


Service to Mason Gross School of the Arts – Rutgers University

Video Production, Rutgers Arts Online, 2018


Service to the Division of Continuing Studies – Rutgers University

Consultant, Studio build at the Lifelong Learning Center, 2019-present

Hiring committee member for new Media Services Director, 2020

Industry ambassador, Rutgers Global - Visiting group from Anhui, China, 2019


Service to the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology – Rutgers University

Production associate, GSAPP Virtual Commencement Ceremony, 2020

Producer and editor, GSAPP Nancy Boyd-Franklin Gala, 2019


Service to the Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice – Rutgers University

Production associate, 2023 Racial Justice Summit, Fighting for the now. Hopeful for the future!


Service to society at large

NY NATAS Emmy Mentor Project, Wild Lands, Wild Horses 2022-present

Guest Lecturer, Ocean County College, Toms River, NJ 2024-present

Educational Program Developer/Instructor, Industry Media Arts, Toms River, NJ 2023-present

Student Internship Coordinator, Local Film & Television Productions, NJ/NY/PA 2018-present

Video Production, Asbury Park Television, Asbury Park, NJ, 2016 - 2017

Video Production, Easter Seals, New Brunswick, NJ, 2015

Video Production, Urban Coast Institute, West Long Branch, NJ, 2015

Screenwriting Workshop, Girl Scouts, Marlboro, NJ, 2014

Video Production, Monmouth Cares Inc., Long Branch, NJ, 2013

Video Production, Dream Camp Foundation, San Luis Obispo, CA, 2011-2013

Filmmaking Workshops, Monmouth County Arts Council, Red Bank, NJ, 2006-2009

Projectionist & Video Production, Garden State Film Festival, 2004 - 2006


Professional Affiliations


NY NATAS The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
Member, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

Member, National Association of Broadcasters

Learning Partner, Avid Technology Inc.

Member, Freelancers Union

Affiliate, Student Television Network


Professional Experience


Neal Bennett Productions, LLC., Toms River, NJ, 2000 - present

Consulting, development, and production for corporate, educational, and broadcast clients.




2022 The Telly Awards – Lead Editor/Sound Engineer Faces & Voices of Rutgers University Rutgers University - Category: Non-Broadcast Web Series


2021 The Telly Awards – Postproduction Manager What If iTV Rutgers University - Category: Non-Broadcast Short Graduation Film


2015 Jersey Shore Public Relations and Advertising Association Silver JASPER for President Paul R. Brown - One Year in Office - Category: Television Video Short Documentary Promo


2015 Jersey Shore Public Relations and Advertising Association Silver JASPER for Aerial Overview - Category: Television Video Short Documentary Promo


2012 The Telly Awards - Producer/Director Bigger with Sprite - Category: Television Commercial


2008 The Telly Awards - Director/Editor Industry Film School & Actors Playground - Category: Television Commercial


2005 The Telly Awards - Editor Locals Only, A Look at Surfing Localism - Category - Television Show


2005 Emmy Awards – Winning Contributor, Outstanding Nonfiction Program (Alternative), Assignment Discovery, Discovery Channel


2003 Emmy Awards – Nominated Contributor, Outstanding Nonfiction Program (Alternative), Trading Spaces, The Learning Channel (TLC)


Coadjutant Work


2018 – present: Division of Continuing Studies, iTV Studio, Piscataway, NJ.
Consultant, technician, and installer for various tasks involved in the DoCS media landscape. Providing production support on various projects as a producer, director, camera operator, audio engineer, field sound, and editor.

Featured work:­

Producer, Camera Operator and Sound Mixer for regional and national broadcasts

Writer/Producer: MD1 When Seconds Count

Director/Editor: Rutgers RWJ Medical School Community Interpreting

Director of Photography/Camera/Sound/Online Editor: Television Series Images/Imágenes

Director/Camera/Audio: Live shots sent via fiber from iTV to major news networks.

Audio Engineer: Live and pre-recorded audio for podcast and radio networks via VoIP using Comrex

Live Stream Event Director: RWJ White Coat Ceremonies, New Brunswick & Newark.

Live Stream Event Director: Rutgers Climate Symposium: Science and Society

Producer/Director/Director of Photography/Editor: kite+key Rutgers Tech Store

Freelance Work

2022– present: Wild Lands Wild Horses, NJ
Distribution Consultant & Producer for Wild Lands Wild Horses Twin Peaks

2018 – 2023: Whoorah Productions, New York, NY
Director of Photography/Camera/Editor for Forgotten Champions - Rutgers 1983 Women's AIAW Basketball Champs

2013 – 2023: Ranney School, Tinton Falls NJ
Providing production support on various video projects that include marketing videos, fund raising, commercials and school events.

Featured work:

Director/Camera/Editor: Rally for the GPA - Promotional Video

Camera/Editor: Ranney vs. Pt. Pleasant

Director/Camera/Editor: STEAM in Action at Ranney

Director/Aerial Camera/Editor: Aerial Tour of Ranney School

2008 – present: Ted Yasi Productions, Inc., Freehold, NJ
Producer/Camera/Sound for regional and national broadcasts

2003 – 2024: Euro-Pacific Multimedia Productions, Inc., Sommerville NJ
Director/Camera/Editor for corporate video productions

2012 – 2018: Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ
Provided production support on various projects over the years that include the following featured work:

Producer/Aerial Camera/Editor: Aerial Overview - JASPER Award Winner 2015
Currently on home page. (66,720 views on YouTube)

Producer/Director/Editor: Let Tomorrow Start Today - National Commercial Aired on ESPN 2013 & 2014 (46,686 views on YouTube)

Producer/Director/ Editor: Be Inspired!  - National Commercial
Aired on ESPN 2013 & 2014 (11,453 views on YouTube)

Director of Photography: Interview with President Paul R. Brown - One Year in Office - JASPER Award Winner 2015

Director of Photography: My Monmouth Story

Director of Photography/Editor: Monmouth University Art Department

Director of Photography/Camera/Editor: Oral Histories - Bruce Springsteen Archives & Center for American Music at Monmouth University

Director of Photography/Camera/Editor: A Photographic Journey
Grammy Museum Traveling Exhibit - Bruce Springsteen:
Recorded interviews with Eric Meola, Photographer for Born to Run - and Frank Stefanko, Photographer for Darkness on the Edge of Town, The River and Chapter and Verse

2014 – 2017: NFL Films, Mount Holly, NJ
Camera Assistant: Assist with camera checkout, field setup, and media management. Participate in weekly screenings.

2015: Comanche Outfitters, Wall, NJ
Camera Operator & Editor: Kodiak Trail Camera Commercial for the Outdoor Channel

2014: Celebrity Sweat, Los Angeles, CA
Field Audio Mixer: Celebrity Sweat Flag Football Challenge, NY/NJ 2014

2016: Rooftop 2 Productions, Inc., New York, NY
Field Sound Mixer & Recordist:

PGA of America, Lagardere Sports & Turner Sports PGA Documentary Series on Ryder Cup Captain Davis Love III
UFC 205 at Madison Square Garden - Metro PCS Facebook Live Broadcast

2015: September Films, Marylebone, London
Camera Operator: Bridezillas

2011 – 2014: Boardwalk Productions, Wall, NJ (Emmy Award-winning Company)
Provided production support on various projects over the years that include the following featured work:

Camera Operator: World Series MLB Network’s ‘The Third Team’ documentary.
Field Sound Mixer: ALCS MLB Network’s Boston Red Sox vs. Detroit Tigers & Tampa Bay Rays - Live Broadcast
Field Audio Mixer: ESPN Playground Basketball is Dying, Interview with Sonny Hill
Camera Operator: NHL Press Tour
Camera Assistant: NFL Network  Football Freakonomics
Camera Operator: Sit down interviews for ESPN’s World Series of Poker

2014: Bartha, Inc., Columbus, OH
Camera Operator: Nationwide Sales Meeting Times Square, NYC

2011: Brisun Productions, Inc., Boonton, NJ (Emmy Award-winning show)
Camera Operator: YES Network’s Yankees On Deck

2005 – 2006: Tapestry International, Sea Bright, NJ (Emmy Award-winning show) Editor/Graphics: Assignment Discovery TLC’s Emmy Award Winning show series

2002 – 2003: Banyan Productions, Inc., Philadelphia, PA (Emmy Award-winning show). Location Unit Manager: Trading Spaces TLC’s Emmy Award Winning show series

2000 – 2003: Silicon Philosophies (Formerly Front Porch Video Inc.) Lawrenceville, NJ
DVD Authoring/Camera/Editor: Produced, recorded, and edited content for automated DVD authoring and premastering applications. Encoding and authoring DVD and streaming content for Hollywood trailers, documentaries, feature films, art galleries and film festivals.  

2000 – 2002: Princeton Partners, Princeton, NJ
Website Designer/Programmer: Designing and programming websites using utilizing Flash, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Standalone and online database programming using Microsoft Access. CD-ROM development utilizing Macromedia Director, ActionScript, QuickTime VR, Adobe After Effects & Photoshop. 

1996 – 2000: Cablevision/Rainbow Advertising, Edison, NJ
Producer/Director/Editor: Responsibilities included producing, directing, and editing local cable commercials, in-house promos, and local programming. Maintained communication between the production department, traffic, sales, and the clients. Budgeted and scheduled productions.

1996: WPHL WB17, Philadelphia, PA
Production Intern: Kid Time News Produced five four-minute segments every other week. Segments aired between Duck Tails and Gargoyles daily Monday – Friday.

1995 – 1996: Comcast, Rahway, NJ
Camera Operator: SportsTalk- with Bruce Beck, It’s Your Call - with Lynn Doyle, One-on-One - with Steve Adubato


Feature Film Work

  • 2020: Middle Seat Productions, EPK Producer 6:45 featuring Thomas G. Waites & Armen Garo directed by Craig Singer

  • 2017: Reel Enigma, Consultant

  • Blame featuring Chris Messina & Tate Donovan directed by Quinn Shephard

  • 2008: LFTM Productions, Director/Editor Love from the Machine featuring Alex Raben and Chris Ivan Cevic

  • 1999: Starz Encore Entertainment, Production Assistant

  • Judy Berlin featuring Edie Falco directed by Eric Mendelsohn

  • 1997: View Askew Productions, Production Assistant Chasing Amy featuring Ben Affleck directed by Kevin Smith

  • 1995: Vanguard International, Production Assistant The Animal Room featuring Neil Patrick Harris directed by Craig Singer

Short Film Work

2015: Cinematographer, TAT directed by Craig Singer

2013: Steadicam Operator, The Exploration of Cole as Led by the Prepubescent Sandy directed by Jim Mauro

2013: Cinematographer, Judgement featuring Mark O’Neal and Vasilea Terzaki directed by Jake Cohn

2013: Producer, Kristy featuring Evelyn Giovine directed by Tom Kircher

2012: Producer, Wraith directed by Tom Kircher

2012: Producer, Pay Up directed by Jack Chinery

2011: Producer, The Dead Rose featuring Julia Barnett & Audrey-Kate Geiger directed by Tom Kircher

2011: Producer, Sightings directed by Tom Kircher

2011: Director/Editor, Dream Camp: Air, Land & Sea

2010: Associate Producer, Unexpected Twists directed by Jim Mauro

2010: Executive Producer, Loss directed by Jake Cohn

2010: Executive Producer, It’s Not All Black and White directed by Liz Zubritsky

2010: Production Supervisor, Night Shift featuring Curt Carlson directed by Rob Chinery

2005: Co-Producer/Camera/Editor, Locals Only: A Look at Surfing Localism featuring Holly Beck & Sam August directed by Lorraine Aromando

Short Series Work

2014: Director, Dream Camp: California featuring James Cameron, Drew Carrey, Erin Gruwell & Steve “Woz” Wozniak

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